Lisseth was born in 1984 into a big family, the second oldest of five siblings. She grew up in the Sarapiqui countryside, part of the Heredia province. Her parents are farmers and the family raises cows and pigs. They also have horses, chickens and dogs. Lisseth loves to spend time with her nieces and nephew. Her hobbies are painting with acrylics and volunteering for different projects.
Lisseth has been guiding for 14 years and her real passion is sea turtles – their behavior and everything related to it. If she weren’t guiding she’d probably be a naturopath as she likes to observe people, listen to their situations, and try to help by using natural plants.
She would love to travel to many places, but one of Lisseth’s dreams is to go to Peru to see Machu Picchu, or to the Galapagos to see the turtles. “The main idea I want my travelers to take from the trip is how everything is connected and how small actions can change the world. Travel is important because it’s the best way to learn about culture, geography and life in general,” said Lisseth.